E&N SportsCards


#WhyICollect 365

On Jan 1, 2021, I decided to embark on a 365 day photo tribute to “collecting” sports cards. I wanted to focus on those cards that we collect for the pure love of the hobby rather than for potential monetary value. So I began to devote 1 tweet per day, every day, highlighting cards that I felt best represented this. Most days, the cards are my own, but from time to time I see a tweet from someone else that just nails the spirit of #WhyICollect, and I use those. When this happens, I always credit the original author in my tweet. Below you’ll find the up to date archive of each day so far in my tribute. For easier browsing, I broke it down by month. I hope you enjoy!

Living One-Handed

A Place for Humor, Help and Hope

Bean's Ballcard Blog

Trading card information, checklists, collector ramblings and more!


Spreading joy, one hobby member to another