Since 1952, the name Topps has been synonymous with baseball cards. The brand always has been, and continues to be the gold standard of baseball cards.

As a collector, my favorite releases each year continue to be Topps “Flagship” sets. Over the years, I’ve definitely identified my favorites. Sometimes, I simply love the design. Sometimes, it’s a set loaded with great rookie cards. To me, the best sets are beautiful in design and contain historically important cards … like my all-time favorite, 1954.

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be utilizing my Twitter account @ensportscards1 to conduct a fun and interactive series of polls in the style of the March Madness Bracket to try to determine what is the collective hobby community’s all-time favorite release.

It should be a lot of fun, I hope you participate… and if you are in need of a refresher of what the Topps sets have looked like through the years, here they are in all their glory. From the inaugural 1952 release, right up to last months 2023 release, 72 years Topps Baseball Cards, tell me your favorite in the comments.